Neck and Dècolletage Treatments |
The neck and dècolletage are commonly two of the most neglected regions of the body. The incredibly delicate layer of skin enveloping the neck area contains no sebaceous glands. This signifies that the neck tissue is unable to naturally secret oil. A healthy balanced oil flow aids in age prevention, in turn minimising contour flaccidity and assists with deterring further wrinkle formation. |
Divine Neck and Dècolletage Treatment |
60 minutes |
This treatment specifically re-hydrates, eliminates skin sagging, dryness and promotes the production of major skin protein fibers (collagen and elastin). Beginning with a cleanse of the neck, dècolletage and face and deep brush cleanse. Incorporates an exfoliation to allow for advanced product peneration, firming massage, divine correction rubber masque, heat pack, neck dècolletage serum and moisture protective crème. Concluding with a sensuous scalp, hand and arm massage. |